Legal notice and privacy policy

1.Legal Notice

In compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002 of 11th July on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), hereinafter the identifying data of the owner of the website are exposed.

• Holder: LOYAL PRINT S.L.

• Company Tax Code: ESB67137968

• Address: Mogoda 65-73

• Postcode: 08210 Barberà del Vallès (Barcelona)

• Email:

Loyal Print S.L owns the domain name and the website on the Internet that is accessed through the address

2. Acceptance of the Conditions of Use

The present conditions (hereinafter referred to as “Legal Notice”) are intended to regulate the use of this Website that Loyal Print S.L. -hereinafter, THE COMPANY- makes available to the public in this URL.
The use of the Website by a third party attributes the condition of User and implies full acceptance by said User of each and every one of the conditions that are incorporated into this Legal Notice.

3. Conditions of Use of the Website

The User agrees to use the Website in accordance with the Law, this Legal Notice, and other notices, regulations of use and instructions made known to them, as well as morals and generally accepted good customs and public order.

The User agrees to use the Contents in a diligent, correct and lawful manner and, in particular, agrees to abstain from (a) using the Contents in a manner, for purposes or effects contrary to the law, morals and good customs generally accepted or to public order; (b) reproduce or copy, distribute, allow public access through any form of public communication, transform or modify the Contents, unless you have the authorization of the owner of the corresponding rights or it is legally permitted; (c) delete, evade or manipulate the copyright and other identifying data.

It is forbidden to carry out any type of advertising or commercial information directly or covertly by sending mass mailings (“spamming”) without proper authorization.

Likewise, it is forbidden to carry out actions that may produce on the Website or through it by any means, any type of damage to the systems of THE COMPANY or to third parties.

Any link that is made with the contents will require the prior agreement of THE COMPANY and must allow, by means of the opportune visualisation, the identification of its origin. The use of this information in other Internet sites will require express authorisation.

4. Exemption from Responsibilities

THE COMPANY is allowed to modify, without prior notice, the information contained in its website, as well as its configuration and presentation. Likewise, it does not guarantee the absence of interruptions or errors when accessing it and its content, or the existence of updates, although it will strive, as appropriate, to avoid, correct or update them.

THE COMPANY is not responsible for direct or indirect damage, including damage to computer systems and the introduction of existing viruses on the network, derived from the Internet browsing necessary for the use of this website.

THE COMPANY hereby undertakes NOT TO MAKE MISLEADING ADVERTISING. For this purpose, therefore, the formal or numerical errors that may be found throughout the content of the different sections of, produced as a result of incomplete maintenance and / or updating, shall not be considered misleading or defective advertising of the information contained in these sections. THE COMPANY, as a result of the provisions of this section, undertakes to correct them as soon as it becomes aware of such errors.

THE COMPANY is not responsible for the breach of any applicable rule that may be incurred by the User when accessing this Website and / or in the use of the information contained therein.

THE COMPANY shall not be liable for damages caused or likely to occur, whatever their nature, arising from the use of information, the matters contained in this Website and the programs it incorporates. The links and hypertext that enable the user, through this website, access services and services offered by third parties, do not belong or are under the control of; THE COMPANY is not responsible for the information contained in them or any effects that may arise from such information.

Ultimately, the User is solely responsible for the use made of the services, content, links and hypertext included in the website owned by THE COMPANY.

5. Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights

All the contents of the Website, unless otherwise indicated, are the exclusive property of THE COMPANY and, without limitation, graphic design, source code, logos, texts, graphics, illustrations, photographs, and other elements. that appear on the Website. Likewise, all trade names, brands or distinctive signs of any kind contained on are protected by law.

No type of license or authorisation of personal use is granted to the User on his rights of intellectual and industrial property or on any other right related to his Website and the services offered on it.

Therefore, the User acknowledges that reproduction, distribution, marketing, transformation, and in general, any other form of exploitation, by any procedure, of all or part of the contents of the Website constitute an infringement of intellectual and/or industrial property rights of THE COMPANY.

The User, solely and exclusively, shall use the materials that appear on this Website for personal and private use, thus being forbidden its use for commercial purposes or the engagement in illicit activities.

By virtue of the provisions of articles 8 and 32.1, second paragraph, of the Law on Intellectual Property, the reproduction, distribution and public communication, including the method of making them available, of all or part of the contents of this website is expressly prohibited for commercial purposes, in any medium and by any technical means, without the authorisation of THE COMPANY. The User agrees to respect the rights of Intellectual and Industrial Property owned by THE COMPANY.

THE COMPANY will ensure compliance with the abovementioned conditions as well as the proper use of the contents presented on its website and will exercise all civil and criminal actions that correspond to it in case of infringement or breach of these rights by the User.

6. Policy of Data Privacy


The information received by THE COMPANY through this website will be processed with the utmost discretion and confidentiality in accordance with the regulations in force.

THE COMPANY informs the user that the personal data that may be provided through this web page shall be processed under the responsibility of THE COMPANY with the purpose and legitimate interest of managing the services provided through this Internet Portal. Likewise, and provided we are given your express consent, THE COMPANY may use the user’s identification and contact details to keep you informed about the activities, products and services of THE COMPANY or other entities related to THE COMPANY and that may be of your interest.

Such data may also be used for commercial, financial, personalisation, operational and statistical purposes, and activities specific to its corporate purpose, thus expressly authorising THE COMPANY to extract, store data and conduct marketing surveys in order to adapt its offers to the particular profile of the user.
By providing your data through the forms included in this website, you are giving your consent to the processing of them in accordance with the conditions established in this informative clause.


The data provided will be kept as long as cessation of the activity is requested and the commercial relation is maintained during the years necessary to comply with the legal obligations or until they cease to be necessary or relevant to the purpose for which they were collected or registered.


The data shall not be transferred to third parties except for those cases where there is a legal obligation.

You can request access to your personal data at any time, as well as to their rectification, opposition, cancellation, portability and oversight. To that end you must contact THE COMPANY by postal mail at C/Mogoda 65-73 Pol. Industrial Can Salvatella, 08210 Barberà del Vallès (Barcelona) or by email to


THE COMPANY declares and guarantees that it maintains the security levels of personal data protection in accordance with the legislation in force. To this end, it has established a Personal Data Protection Management System in order to determine and implement the technical and organisational means at its disposal to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorised access and theft of the data provided by users, without prejudice to inform that security measures on the Internet are not impregnable.

THE COMPANY reserves the right to modify its privacy policy according to its criteria, or because of a change in legislation, jurisprudence or business practice.
Were THE COMPANY to include any modification, the new text will be published on this same Website, where the User may have knowledge of the current privacy policy of

7. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

THE COMPANY and the CUSTOMER-USER, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction, submit to the Courts and Tribunals of the User’s address for any dispute that may arise from accessing the Website. In the event that the USER-CUSTOMER has their residence out of Spain, THE COMPANY and the USER-CUSTOMER submit, with express waiver of any other jurisdiction, to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Barcelona (Spain).